Original Fan's Photos Page 2   1999

Bridget_and_Olivia Bridget_and_Olivia
Bridget_and_Olivia Bridget and Olivia sent in these three closeup photos from the 4th of July 1999

show in Blue Ash, Ohio.

As far as I know, the photo of Dave on the Keyboard is a first!

Hey Dave, you been holding back on us?

Gotta love that star spangled background!

Louise1 Louise1
Louise1 REO super-fan Louise was generous to snail mail these great action photos to me. Three above, left to right: St. Joe, Michigan July '98, Independance, Kansas Halloween '98, and another from St. Joe. The photo on the main page is also by Louise. Thank You!
by_Anne_OwenFace photos by Anne Owen